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Can I Keep My Fish In a Bowl?

Keeping fish in a fish bowl has been a common misconception for a long time. It is not the best environment for your fish to thrive in. Here are some reasons why you should not keep fish in a bowl. Firstly, fish bowls are too small for fish to live in. Fish need enough space to swim around and explore their environment. A fish bowl limits their movement and restricts their ability to swim freely. Most fish will outgrow any kind of bowl. Keeping them in a bowl or aquarium that is too small can make them stressed and unhappy, which can lead to health problems and unfortunately death. Secondly, fish bowls do not have any filtration system. This means...

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What Should I Put In My New 20 Gallon Fish Tank?

Congratulations on your new aquarium! A 20 gallon tank is a great size for a variety of fish and aquatic plants. When considering what fish to add to your tank, it's important to keep in mind the size and temperament of the fish, as well as their compatibility with each other. One fish species that would do well in a 20 gallon tank is the neon tetra. These small, colorful fish are easy to care for and enjoy swimming in schools. Another option is the dwarf gourami, which is a peaceful fish that adds a lot of color to the tank. If you want a fish that is a bit more active, you could consider adding a school of harlequin...

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Which fish is best for small aquarium?

If you're interested in setting up a small freshwater aquarium, there are many different fish species to choose from. However, not all fish are created equal when it comes to suitability for a small aquarium. Some fish species are simply too large or active to thrive in a small tank, while others may have specific water parameter requirements that can be challenging to maintain in a smaller volume of water. One of the best fish species for a small freshwater aquarium is the Betta fish, also known as the Siamese fighting fish. These beautiful fish are easy to care for and can thrive in tanks as small as 5 gallons. They come in a variety of vibrant colors and have...

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Are freshwater puffer fish hard to keep?

Freshwater puffer fish are certainly unique creatures that are known for their adorable round shape, and their ability to inflate themselves when threatened. While they are cute and fascinating, many aspiring fish keepers may wonder if freshwater puffer fish are hard to keep. The answer to this question is not a straightforward one, as there are many factors that can influence the ease of keeping these fish. One of the main challenges of keeping freshwater puffer fish is their diet. They are carnivorous, and require a diet that is high in protein. This means that they need to be fed a variety of live or frozen foods, such as shrimp, krill, and bloodworms. Providing them with a proper diet can...

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Is it hard to keep tropical fish?

Keeping tropical fish can be a great hobby that brings joy and beauty to your home. However, it is important to understand that it can be a bit challenging to keep tropical fish healthy and happy. Here are some things to keep in mind if you are considering keeping tropical fish. First, you need to have the right equipment. This includes a proper aquarium, a filtration system, a heater, and lighting. You also need to regularly test the water in your aquarium to ensure that the pH levels are appropriate and that the water is clean and healthy for your fish. Second, you need to choose the right fish. Not all tropical fish are created equal, and some may require...

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